Saturday, 23 November 2013

First Day Shooting; Powder Paint Fight

We shot our powder paint sequence at night, this is because the paint would really stand out when we added the right amount of lighting. We decided to shoot just this once as we had only a certain amount of powder and we could not afford to re-shoot and if we did end up re-shooting we might of had to buy new costumes depending on how well it the paint came out the first time. We made sure we were as organised as we could be so we each worte a list of what we had to do and bring with us to make sure we didn't forgrt anything as we could not afford to.
When everyone got to our location t 6pm we breifed them on what the plan was so they knew what we were looking for and what they needed to do. We tried to make them feel as comftable as possible before we shot. At 7pm we started to shoot, this was just right as it was dark and it was the look we were going for.We set the camera to shoot 50fps rather than 25fps so that when we slow it down in editing it will be smoother and less jolty. We knew that we only had one chance to get our "clean shot" so we filmed everything we needed before the paint was thrown. After we got our clean shots we told them that they could litterally just start throwing the paint when we told them too. We kept shooting untill the powder paint was finished and we felt we had enough shots.
Overall the shoot went really well, we felt confident with the footage we got. The costuming and location worked really well and we really felt like we captured the essence of the 50's stlye and the conflict between the couples. We then asked the actors if they enjoyed the shoot and what were their view's.
The only real problem we had was that our 3rd couple said they couldn't do it last minute. We managed to get a 3rd girl but not another guy, so we ended up having 3 girls and 2 guys which at first we were a bit sceptical but in  the end it worked and didn't turn out that bad. Also another aspect i would of changed was to get a few more differnt shots rather than just the same shots of people throwing paint and close up's. I think that maybe filming when people didn't know they were being filmed would of given us a more natural look.

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